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BusUp ultrasonic technology enables contactless ticketing

BusUp, a shared transportation platform in the E.U., integrated LISNR's ultrasonic technology platform to enable contactless mobile boarding pass authentication according to a press release.

"Incorporating LISNR technology into our on-boarding process is a real breakthrough. LISNR's ultrasonic 'data-over-sound' technology enables contactless proximity verification and authentication across commerce experiences for merchants, financial service providers, and mobility companies," Rui Stoffel, CEO and co-founder of BusUp said in a press release. "Thanks to LISNR we can offer our daily passengers with an even faster and safer contactless check-in on board."

BusUp saw LISNR as a safer and more efficient solution to QR codes. The technology works without an internet connection, which is key, since BusUp provides services in areas such as Brazil and Peru that has less than stable internet connections.